Monday, December 19, 2005

wildcat canyon sunrise

something about coming home from vacation makes me want to take pictures where I live. I woke up early the morning after getting back from Mexico, and went out back.


Blogger anne said...

I really like the middle one.

1:45 AM  
Blogger BH said...

Love shot number 3. I will always remember the Bay Area as those moments of viewing the fog just as it is in that photo.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Calvin said...

Bravo! The first shot is my favorite. Dont know if it was intentional or not but I love the way you framed the trees in the distance within the branches.Sweet.

12:31 PM  
Blogger mysfit said...

it's strange that the power-tower almost looks like a japanese character in that fog

8:55 AM  
Blogger monkey 0 said...

anne: normally those towers are the only ugly thing behind the house, but I thought the fog made them kind of beautiful.

bh: everyone complains about the fog; I love it.

jenn: the bay area is good at vistas. it's a core competency.

calvin: yeah, did that on purpose. that tree stands all alone on the ridge on the other side of the canyon.

12:14 PM  

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